
Friday, 26 August 2016

Hiwi the Kiwi

Yesterday we had two wonderful guest from hiwi the kiwi. They taught  us a lot of things like fun music about kai moana  how to keep safe when your out fishing  how to measure a fish. if it was very small or very big you are not allowed to keep it It has to be 30 centimeters. and they taught us if you touch a fish with your fingers and put back in the sea it will get sick and probably die the fish has a coating  just like sun cream if you touch It with your fingers  the slimy coating will come  off and thats not good its best to pick it up with a wet towel they also taught us if you catch a salt water fish you must put it in a bucket of ice mixed with salt  if you do not and put it in fresh water the fish will quickly go off and start to rott you dont want that for dinner do you. We learnt many things and great songs and also won prizes. Image result for HIWI the KIWI

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