
Friday, 12 December 2014

Merry Christmas

Hey guys i hope that you have a happy merry Christmas. This is my last post i hope that you had a
great time with me. and i wish you a happy holiday. I had good times with you it was a lot of fun.
have a great new year wish you all the best.And I hope i will see you next year.

merry Christmas.

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Holiday poster

 Walt: summarise and combine information from across multiple texts. 
i made a poster about gi pools

How to draw a fish

Me and my reading group were watching instructions on how to make a fish. Our teacher told us to do presentation how to make it . And we had to write step by step instructions


Monday, 1 December 2014

Peacocks on Kawau island

Males are known as peacocks and females re known as peahens.
Peafowl are best fed on turkey pellets, not chicken pellets.
The baby's are called pea chicks.